Building a Smart Nation: Luxembourg Tackling the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Building a Smart Nation: Luxembourg Tackling the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Beginning in the 20th century, Luxembourg experienced several periods of transition. The largely agriculture-based economy became industrialized, driven by a powerful steel industry which remained the dominant sector from the immediate post-Second World War years to the mid-1970s. In 1974 the steel industry began to decline, marking the end of the ‘Trente Glorieuses’. Luxembourg was forced to implement considerable structural changes and embarked on its

17 Mai 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Die unfreien Befreiten. Über die lange Heimkehr der sowjetischen ZwangsarbeiterInnen aus Luxemburg.

Die unfreien Befreiten. Über die lange Heimkehr der sowjetischen ZwangsarbeiterInnen aus Luxemburg.

Inna Ganschow untersucht in ihrem Vortrag die verschiedenen Typen totaler Institutionen im Sinne Erving Goffmans auf dem Weg von ZwangsarbeiterInnen aus der Sowjetunion nach Luxemburg und zurück. Von den nationalsozialistischen Durchgangs- und Kriegsgefangenenlagern über die luxemburgischen Werk- und Ostarbeiterlager bis hin zu den sowjetischen Sammel- und Filterlagern endete die lange Reise nach Hause oft nach einigen Monaten oder Jahren erneut in einem Lager oder einer Zwangsansiedlung.

17 Mai 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Families of Luxembourgish Wehrmacht recruits during the Nazi occupation and the impact of local authorities and National Socialist organisations on their everyday lives

Families of Luxembourgish Wehrmacht recruits during the Nazi occupation and the impact of local authorities and National Socialist organisations on their everyday lives

16 Mai 2022

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
Digital Hermeneutics: A Critical Framework for Reflecting Digital Interventions in Knowledge Production

Digital Hermeneutics: A Critical Framework for Reflecting Digital Interventions in Knowledge Production

16 Mai 2022

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Luxembourg – navigating the transition to the knowledge economy. A historical perspective

Luxembourg – navigating the transition to the knowledge economy. A historical perspective

Luxembourg is a multicultural, multilingual and cross-border area par excellence that has always sought to maintain an openness to its neighbours, both for reasons of security and to give itself access to larger markets.

13 Mai 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Masse des archives du web et circulation des contenus

Masse des archives du web et circulation des contenus

13 Mai 2022

Fred Pailler
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Teaching Public History in UK Higher Education

Teaching Public History in UK Higher Education

About this event Welcome: The AHRC-funded 'What is Public History Now?' Network is thrilled to invite you to our first workshop 'Teaching Public History in UK Higher Education'. We hope you'll join us for a day of discussions on public history in higher education, ranging from intellectual traditions to pedagogy and programme design. Schedule: 13 May, 10am-12am; 2pm-4pm; 4:30-6:00pm. 10am-11am: Intellectual traditions and the history of UK public history 11am-12pm: Public history in the UK and in International Context

13 Mai 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Moderator: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers

Moderator: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers

12 Mai 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands

Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands

12 Mai 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands

Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands

12 Mai 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Introduction - Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

Introduction - Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

12 Mai 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Archives du web et circulation des contenus : le projet BUZZ-f (HIVI) et le Bnf-datalab

Archives du web et circulation des contenus : le projet BUZZ-f (HIVI) et le Bnf-datalab

12 Mai 2022

Fred Pailler
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook

Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook

12 Mai 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Genetic Criticism and Analysis of Interface Design: A Case Study

Genetic Criticism and Analysis of Interface Design: A Case Study

The paper proposes a methodology that combines theoretical and practical aspects from human-computer interaction (HCI) and genetic criticism to trace and analyse prototype evolution.

11 Mai 2022

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
3rd Corvus Applied History Workshop : Practices of Applied History: Questions, Answers, Discussions

3rd Corvus Applied History Workshop : Practices of Applied History: Questions, Answers, Discussions

Situated at the axis of societal issues and academic research, the renewed popularity of applied history has raised several questions about its practice. The most direct questions come from non-academic partners. What can one expect of applied historians? How will those expectat ions be met? What if the methods and tools of applied history fall short of their goal? And is it even that important that organizations learn to think about the past , when they are oriented towards the present and future?

11 Mai 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Digging into web archives of the COVID crisis

Digging into web archives of the COVID crisis

This presentation aimed at presenting the challenges, methodologies and issues related to the analysis of the IIPC COVID collection of web archives through a collaboration with the Archive Unleashed Team.

11 Mai 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Maxim Kantor: Kunst über Migration, Russland und Krieg

Maxim Kantor: Kunst über Migration, Russland und Krieg

"Man hofft nur auf die Stärke des europäischen Kulturbodens, gemeint sind Christentum, Universitäten, Rabelais, Dante usw., auf dem die neue Mischung der Europäer geschmolzen wird. Das Europa, auf das wir alle stolz sind, ist nur im Rahmen des Humanismus, der auf den Kathedralen und Universitäten gewachsen ist, etwas wert. Wenn es nur ein finanzpolitisches Projekt ist, dann muss es nicht gerettet werden, denn es wird so oder so verrotten." Max Kantor, 2016

10 Mai 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg: A foreign queen or legitimate monarch ?

Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg: A foreign queen or legitimate monarch ?

10 Mai 2022

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Table ronde : Quel avenir pour la Revue Belge d'Histoire contemporaine ?

Table ronde : Quel avenir pour la Revue Belge d'Histoire contemporaine ?

9 Mai 2022

Christoph Brüll
LL(O)D and NLP perspectives on semantic change for humanities research

LL(O)D and NLP perspectives on semantic change for humanities research

This paper presents an overview of the LL(O)D and NLP methods, tools and data for detecting and representing semantic change, with its main application in humanities research.

6 Mai 2022

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
