Digital history & historiography

The Magnifying Glass and the Kaleidoscope. Analysing Scale in Digital History and Historiography

The question addressed by the project is to what extent can digital tools and methods assist the detection of scale-related patterns in historical writings.

What is the meaning of scale in historical writings and migration narratives? To what extent can digital tools and methods assist the detection of scale-related patterns in these categories of documents? May this enquiry be formalised and eventually turned into a system for scale analysis in texts? To address these questions, the paper combines theoretical background from historical, historiographical, linguistic and literary studies with digital tools and methods for text analysis and visualisation. The project is in an early phase of development; theoretical hypotheses and preliminary experiments for a system dedicated to scale analysis in historical/historiographical texts are presented. Evoking the metaphors of the magnifying glass and the kaleidoscope, the system is intended to allow both scale-related patterns detection and perspective change.

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