Pasts Revisited: The Rise of Public History through Epistemological and Technological Transformations.

Pasts Revisited: The Rise of Public History through Epistemological and Technological Transformations.

The rise of public history is the result of an unfolding technological-epistemological transformation. Gradual changes in media technologies, historiography, museology and museography until well into the 1970s can be considered as a pre-history of public history. During the last third of the twentieth century the rise of memory and related historiographical changes went hand in hand with an increased influence of analogue and digital media that impacted communication, documentation and preservation.

1 January 2024

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Minett-Stories: A Transmedia Project on a Steel Production Region in Luxembourg

Minett-Stories: A Transmedia Project on a Steel Production Region in Luxembourg

The online exhibition “Minett Stories” ( tells the history of the Minett, the industrial region in the south of Luxembourg. Instead of telling the history of mining and smelting technologies, large iron works and steel barons, the project team decided to present the everyday history of an industrial region, focusing on the time span from the industrialization of the region in around 1870 to the steel crisis of the 1970s.

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Étude comparée de l’organisation des services postaux dans le sillon de Sambre et Meuse en 1789 et 1801. Approche géographique et historique de deux documents cartographiques

Étude comparée de l’organisation des services postaux dans le sillon de Sambre et Meuse en 1789 et 1801. Approche géographique et historique de deux documents cartographiques

La période d’occupation française des territoires qui composent l’actuelle Belgique est souvent associée à un bref intermède entre le régime autrichien et le régime hollandais, débouchant sur l’Indépendance belge de 1830. Pourtant, durant la courte période allant de 1795 à 1815 s’est déroulé le plus grand et le plus radical chamboulement de l’histoire de ces régions. Chamboulement culturel, économique, et, non des moindres, administratif. À ce niveau, le nouveau découpage du territoire est sans doute l’élément le plus flagrant.

1 January 2024

Luca Federico Cerra
  • Digital history & historiography
Minett Stories: eine Online-Ausstellung über die Industrieregion im Süden Luxemburgs

Minett Stories: eine Online-Ausstellung über die Industrieregion im Süden Luxemburgs

„Minett Stories“ ( erzählt für ein breites Publikum die Geschichte des Minetts, der Industrieregion im Süden Luxemburgs. Sie stellt nicht die Entwicklung der Bergbau- und Hüttentechnik, der großen Hüttenwerke und Stahlbarone in den Mittelpunkt, sondern die Alltagsgeschichte einer Industrieregion. Die Online-Ausstellung wurde im Mai 2022 im Rahmen der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt Esch2022 der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Der Vortrag beschreibt die Entwicklung und Umsetzung des Ausstellungskonzepts.

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Le "Parlement du travail" Histoire de la Chambre des salariés du Luxembourg (1924-2024)

Le "Parlement du travail" Histoire de la Chambre des salariés du Luxembourg (1924-2024)

1 January 2024

Estelle Berthereau, Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
History of Maintenance and Repair (Lightning talk)

History of Maintenance and Repair (Lightning talk)

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Robert Georg Lehmann

Robert Georg Lehmann

1 January 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Tom Naegels, Nieuw België. Een migratiegeschiedenis 1948-1978

Tom Naegels, Nieuw België. Een migratiegeschiedenis 1948-1978

1 January 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'opportunisme situationnel. Auto-interrogation d'un historien sur son passé familial

L'opportunisme situationnel. Auto-interrogation d'un historien sur son passé familial

1 January 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Vergessene Opfer : eine Bestandsaufnahme

Vergessene Opfer : eine Bestandsaufnahme

1 January 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Digital Humanities at the Intersection of Three Approaches to Data Visualisation: Statistical Graphics, Data Humanism, and Humanistic Interpretation

Digital Humanities at the Intersection of Three Approaches to Data Visualisation: Statistical Graphics, Data Humanism, and Humanistic Interpretation

Digital humanities has a critical role in the progress of the data visualisation field. First, humanities scholars engage with the concept of knowledge as interpretation. Second, they leverage computational tools and statistical methods to analyse and visualise data and metadata. Finally, Digital Humanities projects are a space for experimentation where different epistemic cultures (which often go beyond the Humanities and Computer Science) negotiate new forms of knowledge.

1 January 2024

Aida Horaniet Ibanez
  • Digital history & historiography
Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure

Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure

This poster delves into the intricate interplay between global expectations for research in contemporary history, the evolving landscape of digital curation, the imperative for efficient research data management, the creation of a well-structured and effective plan for digital infrastructure by emphasizing the significance of developing a comprehensive framework for the analysis and interpretation of contemporary history.

1 January 2024

Tugce Karatas
  • Digital history & historiography
Unusual Repair Practices of Telephone Technicians in Luxembourg

Unusual Repair Practices of Telephone Technicians in Luxembourg

The standardization of repair work has often been discussed by manufacturers and large infrastructure companies to reduce repair costs but also to control and discipline repair workers. However, in cases like Ford and Volkswagen these efforts failed or did not meet the manufacturers’ or customers’ expectations (McIntyre 2000; Krebs 2014). This paper will zoom in on the people who repaired the telephone system in Luxembourg.

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Review of: Anja Titze (Hg.) (2019). Geschichte der elektrischen Kommunikation bis zum Smartphone. Essen: Klartext

Review of: Anja Titze (Hg.) (2019). Geschichte der elektrischen Kommunikation bis zum Smartphone. Essen: Klartext

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Hans Braun

Hans Braun

1 January 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Fritz Wüst

Fritz Wüst

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs, Werner Tschacher
  • Public history
Special Issue: Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe

Special Issue: Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe

Guest editors Johanna Jaschik, Machteld Venken, and Birte Wassenberg bring time into border studies with this new collection, Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe, featuring 12 research articles. The new issue also includes a portfolio, poetry, policy work, and more!

1 January 2024

Johanna Jaschik, Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Paper Presentation: Deindustrialisation in Luxembourg’s industrial towns, 1977-1983

Paper Presentation: Deindustrialisation in Luxembourg’s industrial towns, 1977-1983

1 January 2024

Zoé Konsbruck
  • Public history
Repairing Consumer Objects

Repairing Consumer Objects

The history of repair of consumer objects in the post-war period is usually told as a story of decline. However, the “Histories of Maintenance and Repair in Luxembourg” project has revealed that official statistics on the development of small repair shops show a general stagnation and reorganisation of the Luxembourg repair sector, from mending shoes and clothes to fixing electrical devices and cars, but no general decline of the field. This is also confirmed by a close investigation of family budgets.

1 January 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Flirting and the web: The case study of Luxusbuerg

Flirting and the web: The case study of Luxusbuerg

1 January 2024

Carmen Noguera
  • Contemporary history of Europe
