The contribution will introduce the process of designing two IWalk tours with bachelor students in Luxembourg. The presentation will contain the digital source criticism and new perspectives of digital hermeneutics related to themes of individual stops. The students were divided into two working groups, with each group assigned to a different area. Group A was in charge of designing a virtual tour in Luxembourg City and group B created one for the town of Esch-sur-Alzette. The participants took pictures of current buildings and locations associated with Jewish war history and compared them with original historical photos taken before and during the war. The students were encouraged to reflect on how the appearance and function of certain buildings had changed over time.
Besides critical analysis of all pros and cons, I will introduce MAXQDA, a tool for qualitative data analysis to be an invaluable assistant for easier pre-selection of interviews. From a methodological perspective, we were able to judge the relevance of interviews for our work. Students also learned to link different text passages to each other as well as to other documents, educational websites, images or geographical locations. When several students are working with one data set, it is important to create a clear system of memos, codes and intercoder agreements. For a comparative analysis, students used a unified thematic coding tree they had created themselves. The use of a common code book tree enables them to find thematic intersections in their work. The contribution will also demonstrate the purpose of pre-question and post-questions, which make users consider the content of each IWalk stop.
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