Claudia de Martino

Postdoctoral researcher

research interests
Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Claudia is a postdoctoral researcher

Claudia De Martino is postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg, working, together with the Observatoire pour l’enfance, la jeunesse et la qualité scolaire (OEJQS), on the “CHILDLUX” project on the history of child- and youth- social protection policies since the 1970s, using a specific oral history methodology called the “witness seminar”.  Beforehand, she used to be Research Associate at the Chair of Postcolonial Studies at the CORIS Department of La Sapienza University and a professor of history and philosophy at a public high school in Rome. She has previously worked as Postdoc at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, as Research Fellow in a network of Mediterranean universities (UNIMED), and as a Teaching Assistant at the Chair of European and Mediterranean History at the Roma Tre University.

At the early stage, she was recipient of an EMU2 Scholarship at the Hebrew University (2008), was visiting fellow at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem (2009) and obtained her PhD in Social History at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2012. She was awarded the Junior Prize for Research in 2013 by the Ca’ Foscari University and a DAAD Annual Scholarship in 2015. She is the author of three books in Italian and some peer-reviewed articles in English published in international journals, such as Contemporary Arab Affairs, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Orient II, Afriche Orienti and POMEPS.

At C²DH she will contribute, under the supervision of Prof. Machteld Venken, to writing a page of contemporary social history of Luxembourg, shedding new light on social policies and practices, and setting up a first “witness” digital archive paving the way for future research projects.