Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS)
1 June 2020 to 31 May 2025

Funded by a 5-year ATTRACT research grant (2020-2025) from the FNR, Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS) develops public history and participatory models for interpreting the past. PHACS is hosted at C²DH. Focusing on the production of history with a public perspective, public history has developed as one of the most dynamic international fields of the historical discipline.
PHACS is inspired by the evolution of digital participatory sciences; PHACS facilitates interactions between academics, cultural institutions, groups, associations, and the general public to contribute to a democratisation not only of access but also of the production of history.
Led by Prof. Thomas Cauvin, the team proposes, develops, constructs, and evaluates innovative participatory frameworks to engage and empower groups, associations, and users in critical debates on the contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe. In order to make public history the new citizen science of the past, PHACS is working on 5 main areas with multiple partners in Europe.
- Public History and Participation in Museums
- Participatory Urban Projects: Public History in Esch-sur-Alzette
- Rethinking Shared Authority and Coproduction in Public History
- A History of Public Historical Practices in Europe
- Developing European Networks of Public History Courses, Programmes, and Training
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