Traces and memories in the making of a pandemic (3) - #covidmemory

10 April 2020

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Traces and memories in the making of a pandemic (3) - #covidmemory

Today, April 10, C²DH researchers launched the digital memory bank The platform #covidmemory offers people living or working in Luxembourg the opportunity to share their personal experiences with one another and to archive them for future generations.
#covid19fr - un pays confiné sur Twitter

22 March 2020

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

#covid19fr - un pays confiné sur Twitter

Le projet de recherche #covid19fr a pour but de comprendre les interactions entre les réseaux sociaux numériques – plus particulièrement Twitter - et la mémoire collective en formation du confinement des pays francophones lors de l'épidémie du COVID-19.
CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

10 March 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

The international conference “#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age” will take place on 12 and 13 January 2021 at the University of Luxembourg and will bring together scholars and heritage practitioners to discuss how the digital turn affects the field of Jewish Studies.
Forum Z
Holocaust History and Memory

9 January 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Holocaust History and Memory

This Forum Z centres around three themes related to Holocaust history and memory – Holocaust history in the digital age, the Holocaust and Jewish life in Luxembourg, and combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe.
A research trip to Koblenz: archives, monuments, museums

10 May 2019

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

A research trip to Koblenz: archives, monuments, museums

My research sometimes leads me onto unexpected paths. My travel to Koblenz counts without doubt among them.
Forum Z
La « Grande Guerre » entre souvenir et oubli

12 November 2018

written by :
Noëlle Schon

La « Grande Guerre » entre souvenir et oubli

Le 11 novembre 2018 a eu lieu la commémoration du centenaire de l’armistice qui a mis fin à la Première Guerre mondiale. Quelle mémoire garde-t-on aujourd’hui des événements, des victimes et des traumatismes d’une guerre qui a ravagé l’Europe de 1914 à 1918 ? De quoi se souvient-on et qu’est ce qui a été réprimé et perdu ?
Climbing out of the ivory tower, jumping into society: some thoughts on public history

12 July 2018

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Climbing out of the ivory tower, jumping into society: some thoughts on public history

From 2 to 5 July 2018, I had the pleasure to participate in the Public History Summer School in Wroclaw (Poland). Not only was it an enriching experience for me, but it also pushed me to think more about the role of public history, its challenges and its opportunities.
Materializing memories, dispositives, generations, amateurs

9 July 2018

Materializing memories, dispositives, generations, amateurs

Research seminar with Andreas Fickers and Tim Van der Heijden.
German soldiers graves of the Second World War: Walking the line between hero glorification and reconciliation

5 July 2018

German soldiers graves of the Second World War: Walking the line between hero glorification and reconciliation

Research seminar with Nina Janz, research associate at C²DH
Memorecord – a memory harvest

23 May 2018

written by :
Anita Lucchesi

Memorecord – a memory harvest

Memorecord is a digital public history project. This crowdsourcing experiment combines community participation and academic research to offer a new perspective on the history of migration in Luxembourg. The project makes use of new communication technologies to approach history in a collaborative way.
Senta que lá vem a história: #memorecord for a historiography closer to life

22 May 2018

written by :
Anita Lucchesi

Senta que lá vem a história: #memorecord for a historiography closer to life

Can digital public history help us to reach a historiography that is closer to life?
Forum Z
Le Luxembourg touché par la révolte

14 May 2018

Le Luxembourg touché par la révolte

Organisé par le C²DH et Neimënster, un Forum Z consacré à «Mai 68 – Entre mythe et fait social total», qui a eu lieu le 9 mai 2018 à l’Abbaye de Neumünster, a thématisé la manière dont le Luxembourg a participé à ces processus souvent qualifiés de «révolutionnaires», mais aussi les effets que ce mouvement a laissés dans la société du Grand-Duché.
#Memorecord - une recolte des mémoires. Quelle est la valeur d'une histoire?

11 April 2018

#Memorecord - une recolte des mémoires. Quelle est la valeur d'une histoire?

Workshop animé par Anita Lucchesi, doctorante au C²DH, organisé dans le cadre de l'exposition d'Edmond Oliveira "Memória Episódika".
World War II in living memory

18 July 2017

written by :
Aurélia Lafontaine

Through the lens : World War II in living memory

The virtual exhibition “Through the lens” narrates World War II in Luxembourg and the Greater Region through oral history interviews. It has been curated by the students of the Master in Contemporary European History in the context of a research seminar on oral history and under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fickers and German filmmaker Loretta Walz.
The Historical and Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies

10 May 2017

written by :
Tim van der Heijden

The Historical and Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies

In the course of the twentieth century, various generations have documented and materialized their family memories on film, video and digital media. But how have these changes in technologies of memory shaped new forms of recording and screening as family memory practices?
The Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment

27 June 2014

written by :
Tim van der Heijden, Andreas Fickers

The Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment

'Staging the Amateur Film Dispositif' is a media archaeological experiment performed on March 31, 2014 at the 9th International Orphan Film Symposium at the EYE Film Institute Amsterdam. In three tableaux we explored how past media usages of film, video and digital media have altered the practices of home movie staging.
