Interdisciplinary Data Visualization

9 December 2021

Interdisciplinary Data Visualization

Research seminar with Aida Horaniet Ibanez.
Hands on History with Christopher Green

10 November 2021

Producing & Interpreting Networks of Journal Articles in Psychology, 1887-1902

Hands on History session with Prof. Dr. Christopher Green, professor of psychology at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Journal of Digital History logo

13 October 2021

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Presenting the Journal of Digital History

The Journal of Digital History (JDH) is a joint initiative of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg and the De Gruyter publishing group. As an international, academic, peer-reviewed and open-access journal, it will set new standards in history publishing based on the principle of multi-layered articles.
Mandelbrotset part

5 October 2021

written by :
Florentina Armaselu, Andreas Fickers

Zoomland. Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities

Call for papers / Workshop & book project. The book will explore the epistemological dimensions, hermeneutic methods, empirical tools and aesthetic logic pertaining to the notion of scale in digital history and humanities, and will be published in open access with De Gruyter as part of the 'Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics' series.
Fiche d'arrivée d'immigrants à Dudelange

13 July 2021

written by :
Arnaud Sauer, Machteld Venken

Atouts et faiblesses de Nodegoat dans le traitement et l'analyse des trajectoires migratoires des étrangers au Luxembourg et en France

Traitement et analyse des déclarations d’arrivée des étrangers au Luxembourg à travers les archives de la commune de Dudelange, par le biais de l’utilisation de l’outil de l’interprétation et visualisation des données Nodegoat.
Lecture by Smiljana Antonijević " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

3 May 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Lecture by Smiljana Antonijević " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities " by Dr. Smiljana Antonijević, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
EU data viz 2021

29 April 2021

EU DataViz

EU DataViz is an international conference on open data and data visualisation organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, in partnership with the C²DH.
EU DataViz

27 April 2021

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Call for proposals: EU DataViz 2021

The C²DH is a partner of the EU DataViz, an international conference on open data and data visualisation addressing the needs of the public sector across the EU.
Lecture by Christine L. Borgman "Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research". Recording and interview.

13 April 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Lecture by Christine L. Borgman "Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research". Recording and interview.

Lecture "Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research" by Prof. Dr. Christine Borgman (UCLA), and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series

12 April 2021

written by :
Valérie Schafer

CfP: Data as a new resource? Similarities and differences of data vs. material resources

Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival. 30 June 2021, Online meeting via WEBEX, 10.00-18.00 CET
Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities

3 February 2021

Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities

Lecture by Dr. Smiljana Antonijević. The event is part of the C²DH lecture series 'New Horizons: Confronting the Digital Turn in the Humanities'.
Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research

20 January 2021

Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research

Lecture by Prof. Dr Christine L. Borgman (Center for Knowledge Infrastructures at UCLA). This is the closing lecture in the C²DH lecture series 'New Horizons: Confronting the Digital Turn in the Humanities'.
From digitised sources to digital data: Behind the scenes of (critically) enriching a digital heritage collection

14 October 2020

From digitised sources to digital data: Behind the scenes of (critically) enriching a digital heritage collection

Research seminar with Lorella Viola
Vladan Joler

14 October 2020

New Extractivism

Hands on History session with Prof. Vladan Joler (New Media department of the University of Novi Sad) - online event.
Lincoln Mullen

18 June 2020

Creating and Visualizing Datasets to Interpret American Religious History

Guest lecture by Lincoln Mullen (Department of History and Art History, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University) in the framework of the DTU-DHH Master Class “Digital History and Hermeneutics”.
Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling (DDTM) of immigrant discourses in the United States, 1898-1920

14 May 2020

Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling (DDTM) of immigrant discourses in the United States, 1898-1920

DTU-Seminar conducted by Lorella Viola.
Traces et mémoires en devenir d'une pandémie

30 March 2020

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Traces et mémoires en devenir d'une pandémie

En collectant des sources primaires nativement numériques comme les tweets, historiens et historiennes peuvent préparer l'écriture de l'histoire de la pandémie en cours. Quelques éléments sont livrés ici par Frédéric Clavert, professeur assistant en histoire contemporaine et spécialistes des réseaux sociaux numériques.
#covid19fr - un pays confiné sur Twitter

22 March 2020

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

#covid19fr - un pays confiné sur Twitter

Le projet de recherche #covid19fr a pour but de comprendre les interactions entre les réseaux sociaux numériques – plus particulièrement Twitter - et la mémoire collective en formation du confinement des pays francophones lors de l'épidémie du COVID-19.
Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

2 March 2020

Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

Online lecture by Sara Tonelli, head of the Digital Humanities group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento).
Third Issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research published

3 December 2019

written by :
Marten Düring

Third Issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research published

JHNR publishes outstanding and original contributions which apply the theories and methodologies of social network analysis to historical research whilst respecting best practices in historical research.
