The C²DH is fully committed to sharing findings and expertise

Research that is closely linked to teaching and learning

The C²DH is a cutting-edge historical research centre whose work and research findings directly benefit students in the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) and the University of Luxembourg as a whole. It offers a range of modules for the Bachelor in European Cultures and the Master in History in particular, ranging from introductory courses in the contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe to the use of digital tools and methods in research.

“We are a research centre but we are also fully committed to sharing our findings and the expertise we develop with others, not only researchers worldwide but also our students,” explains Andreas Fickers, Director of the C²DH. “This is why we are actively involved in teaching programmes at the University of Luxembourg, for example by developing new methods for teaching digital literacy.”

A number of the C²DH’s projects are geared towards developing new forms of teaching and learning. One such project is a platform that contains a wealth of resources for teaching about digital source criticism and identifying the ways in which it differs from traditional source criticism. As part of another research project about the First World War, which involves the development of a virtual exhibition, special teaching modules are being produced for use by history teachers in schools.

At PhD level, a Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) has been set up to explore the links between digital history and hermeneutics. The aim of this interdisciplinary space for experimentation is to develop new avenues for research in the field of digital history.

More generally, the teaching activities of the C²DH also incorporate public history, one of the cornerstones of the centre’s mission, in terms of both the research approach and the methods used. Efforts are made to involve the general public in the centre’s activities, especially via the participation of institutions and associations whose work touches on the fields of history, commemoration and cultural heritage.

Over the past few years, the Master in European Contemporary History has incorporated a digital and public history component that gives students the opportunity to experiment with new methods of storytelling and narrating history (exhibitions, guided tours, Twitter, etc.). For Dr Benoît Majerus, course director for this Master’s programme, “this is a way of reflecting with the students on different forms of narration and at the same time preparing them for the employment market”.

Teaching activities

Christoph Brüll, “Europäische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts”

1 semester, Bachelor en culture européenne, University of Luxembourg

Christoph Brüll, “Histoire sociale de l’Europe depuis 1945”

1 semester, Master in History, University of Luxembourg

Christoph Brüll, “Theories and narratives of the European Integration”

1 semester, Master in History, University of Luxembourg

Christoph Brüll, “Histoire de l’Allemagne”

1 semester, Master in History, University of Luxembourg

Elena Danescu, seminar: “The Political System of the European Union” (course led by Prof.David Howarth)

2 classes lasting 2 hours 30 each, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Elena Danescu, François Klein, “Le Luxembourg et l’intégration européenne 1945-2017”

8 hours, LLL Programme - targeted training for Luxembourg civil servants, Institut national d’Administration publique Luxembourg

Thomas Durlacher, “Tutorium zur Vorlesung Historische Einführung in die Philosophie

1 semester, Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (BCE), University of Luxembourg

Inna Ganschow, “Soviet Children in Luxembourg in WWII”

presentation, Sunday School, Russian Chekhov School, Luxembourg

Max Kemman, “Doing Digital History: Introduction to Tools and Technology”

1 semester, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Max Kemman, Anita Lucchesi, “Winter School in Digital Methods”

1 week, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Max Kemman, “Doing Digital History: Introduction to Tools and Technology”

1 semester, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Richard Legay, tutorials for the “Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine”

Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine, University of Luxembourg

Stefan Krebs, seminar: “A world connecting and disconnecting? A global history of Europe”

1 semester, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Benoît Majerus, seminar: “Being Crazy in Luxembourg”

2 semesters, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Karin Priem and Frederik Herman, seminar: “Visual and Material Culture of Education”

1 semester, MASSES Master of Social Sciences and Educational Sciences, University of Luxembourg

Martine Richard, History and Civics

Secondary school, Lycée Robert-Schuman Luxembourg (LRSL)

Stefania Scagliola, “Applying Source Criticism to Youtube” – guest lecture for the course “Source Criticism” led by Prof. Michel Margue

1 lecture, History Bachelor, University of Luxembourg

Stefania Scagliola, “Consulting digital sources – guest lecture for the “Family Connections, Clientelism and Other Bonds in Early Modern Europe” course (BCE-HIST-307-03)

1 lecture, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Stefania Scagliola, “Hands on assignment – Reflecting on personal biography on knowledge of the Holocaust”

1 lecture, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Stefania Scagliola, Tim van der Heijden and Andreas Fickers, workshop: “On the diversity of interpretations of Digital Source Criticism”

2-day workshop, skills training, PhD Doctoral Training Unit, University of Luxembourg

Denis Scuto, lecture: “History of migrations in Europe”

1 semester, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

Denis Scuto, lecture: “Introduction aux sciences historiques”

1 semester, Bachelor en Cultures européennes, University of Luxembourg

Denis Scuto, seminar: “Didactique de l’histoire”

1 semester, Bachelor en Cultures européennes, University of Luxembourg

Denis Scuto, research seminar on contemporary history

1 semester, Bachelor en Cultures européennes, University of Luxembourg

Denis Scuto, lecture: “Histoire luxembourgeoise transnationale”

2 lectures, Bachelor en Cultures européennes, University of Luxembourg

Gerben Zaagsma, “Jewish responses to persecution and anti-Semitism in 20th century Europe”

1 semester, MAHEC (Master in History), University of Luxembourg

see also by

Explore the history of European integration with by

In 2017, the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe was integrated into the University of Luxembourg.

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Forum Z

C²DH historians engage in dialogue with the public

One of the missions of the C²DH is to serve as a platform, not just for academic research but also for critical discussion on contemporary history in Luxembourg and the methodological challenges raised by historiography in the digital age.

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