Hervé Muller will present the results of the September 2020 consultation of C²DH members and the dissertation he defended in December 2020, entitled “The Coaching in an interdisciplinary research centre”.
Under constraints generated by high societal expectations, a hyper-competitive and globalised knowledge market, and a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world where mutations are accelerating, the staff of a young interdisciplinary research centre (the C²DH) is progressing on the path to its goals while coping with fears and stress. His study focuses on this environment and explores the opportunity of an ethical and caring, adapted and adaptive, and resilience-building coaching to accompany the staff on their journey.
Hervé will propose concrete ways to support the development of a coaching culture at the C²DH.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Online - Webex.
If you want to participate, please send an e-mail to vanessa.napolitano@uni.lu to receive the link.