Contemporary history of Europe

New publication: ‘Western Europe 2018’

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The new book ‘Western Europe 2018’, edited by Cathy Hartley and published on 22 November 2017 by Routledge, features contributions from researchers at the University of Luxembourg.

This publication, the result of interdisciplinary collaboration between university academics and international researchers, reflects the challenges currently facing the European Union and its Member States — globalised socio-economic constraints with an impact on growth and employment, the migrant crisis and the rise of populism, democratic, political and security issues, enlargement and multi-speed integration. Individual analyses for each country demonstrate their comparative advantages in a regional and international context and their specific responses to the current difficulties and opportunities.

With a long tradition of political stability and social democracy, a creative development model, skilled human capital and a culture of consensus, Luxembourg is at the forefront of Europe. Its main strategic challenge is how to achieve economic diversification while maintaining the sustainability of the Luxembourg social model. The country has embarked on the “third industrial revolution”, with innovation as the main driver of sustainable growth and the University of Luxembourg as a major player in the long-run strategy of establishment of the knowledge economy.

The authors of the chapter on Luxembourg are based at the University of Luxembourg: Professor Sonja Kmec (FLSHASE) for the historical section, and Dr Elena Danescu, Research Scientist (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History- C²DH) for the economic section.

Bibliographical reference:
Western Europe 2017. Cathy Hartley (ed.), London and New York: Routledge, Abingdon, 2017, 890 pages.
Sonja Kmec – Luxembourg History, pp. 471-475;
Elena Danescu – Luxembourg Economy, pp. 475-486
ISBN 9781857438802 - CAT# Y310365