Le partenaire premium inconnu. Les relations entre la Belgique et l'Allemagne depuis 1945

Le partenaire premium inconnu. Les relations entre la Belgique et l'Allemagne depuis 1945

Les relations entre la Belgique et l’Allemagne sont souvent décrites par les acteurs politiques et diplomatiques comme étant parmi les plus étroites et les moins conflictuelles au sein de l’Union Européenne. Certains indicateurs macro-économiques corroborent cette assertion. On ne peut nier que le rapprochement entre la Belgique et l’Allemagne de l’Ouest dans le contexte de la guerre froide et de l’intégration européenne fait partie des évolutions historiques les plus remarquables de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle.

20 Februar 2024

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Sabine Pitteloud: Les multinationales suisses dans l'arène politique (1942-1993)

Sabine Pitteloud: Les multinationales suisses dans l'arène politique (1942-1993)

15 Februar 2024

Nicolas Arendt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Two Historians' Relationship with Sources in the Digital Age

Two Historians' Relationship with Sources in the Digital Age

This paper examines the annotation practices behind DHARPA (the Digital History Advanced Research Accelerator project) and its innovative data orchestration tool, kiara. By focusing on the importance of annotation across various stages of research, kiara aims to enhance transparency and traceability in humanities research. Kiara’s design draws on the wide range of research experiences of the project’s team members and its collaborators.

9 Februar 2024

Sean Takats, Luca Federico Cerra
  • Digital history & historiography
Podcast: Confronting Decline in Luxembourg's Steel Industry

Podcast: Confronting Decline in Luxembourg's Steel Industry

Special episode today within the DePOT podcast series: Affiliates at the University of Luxembourg examine the steel crisis in Luxembourg in the 1970s and the deindustrialization of East Germany's steel sector after 1990. Stefan Krebs, the head of the project Confronting Decline (CONDE) is joined by two PhD students, Zoé Konsbruck and Nicolas Arendt to discuss their research into the impacts industrial closure had on steel towns, with a particular emphasis on transnational comparisons.

1 Februar 2024

Zoé Konsbruck
  • Public history
Entre les lignes : flux, mobilités et réseaux de la main-d'œuvre étrangère dans le bassin transfrontalier de la Minette durant l'entre-deux-guerres

Entre les lignes : flux, mobilités et réseaux de la main-d'œuvre étrangère dans le bassin transfrontalier de la Minette durant l'entre-deux-guerres

By considering the flows, mobilities and networks of foreign labour in the Minette cross-border basin during the inter-war period, we wanted to make a contribution to migration studies by tackling, in a transnational approach, a subject that requires several heuristic approaches and that is part of a relatively short period of time, marked by a turning point in national policies for controlling mobility, and characterised by a certain stability of state borders but also by economic and geopolitical tensions.

1 Februar 2024

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Between Online and Offline: Doing Archival Research in the Digital Age

Between Online and Offline: Doing Archival Research in the Digital Age

This article seeks to historicise the use of new technologies in historical research and reflect on the differences between working with online and traditional archives from a historian’s perspective. In doing so, it will discuss the various factors that must be considered, what political dimensions of archival and curatorial work exist and how they change in a digital context.

1 Februar 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Panel on Software Source Code as part of Memory of the World

Panel on Software Source Code as part of Memory of the World

My presentation at the panel aims to enlighten some value, challenges and issues related to the heritagisation of code.

1 Februar 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presenter: Witnessing the Now: Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Presenter: Witnessing the Now: Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

29 Januar 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les cent ans de la Chambre des salariés: "Sous le haut patronage de nous-mêmes"

Les cent ans de la Chambre des salariés: "Sous le haut patronage de nous-mêmes"

27 Januar 2024

Estelle Berthereau, Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Organiser: Hands-on Digital Workshop: Automatic Speech to Text Transcription

Organiser: Hands-on Digital Workshop: Automatic Speech to Text Transcription

24 Januar 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Chair: Timetable and Division of Tasks between the Teams

Chair: Timetable and Division of Tasks between the Teams

23 Januar 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: Temporalities of Mixed Economies of Veteran Welfare in the Greater Region after the First World War

Presenter: Temporalities of Mixed Economies of Veteran Welfare in the Greater Region after the First World War

17 Januar 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
commémorer en ligne?

commémorer en ligne?

16 Januar 2024

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (6) - Stellen Sie sich meine Überraschung vor…

"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (6) - Stellen Sie sich meine Überraschung vor…

12 Januar 2024

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Expert interview - future scenarios for digital cultural heritage infrastructure

Expert interview - future scenarios for digital cultural heritage infrastructure

Expert interview to develop future scenarios for what a cultural heritage digital infrastructure at a national or transnational level could look like.

10 Januar 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Blog: Workshop on 'Children, Welfare, Borders'

Blog: Workshop on 'Children, Welfare, Borders'

The Presbytery of the Robert Schuman house hosted a one-day workshop about children, welfare, and borders, bringing together scholars from across Europe to collaborate on a special issue edited by Prof. Machteld Venken (C²DH) and Dr. Dominika Gruziel (EUI).

9 Januar 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
« Un grand dégénéré physique et mental ». Étude du parcours de vie de Maxence C. dans la Belgique du XXe siècle

« Un grand dégénéré physique et mental ». Étude du parcours de vie de Maxence C. dans la Belgique du XXe siècle

Cette contribution emprunte les outils de la microhistoire et de l’histoire par le bas pour interroger l’expérience d’un individu confronté aux institutions de prise en charge des personnes vulnérables et à la marge dans la Belgique du XXème siècle. Par l’examen d’un corpus d’archives jusque-là inexploitées dans une recherche scientifique, cet article retrace ainsi le parcours de vie sur

1 Januar 2024

Samuel Dal Zilio
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Kolonialer Genuss - Lebensmittel aus Übersee in Luxemburg und luxemburgische Produkte in Afrika

Kolonialer Genuss - Lebensmittel aus Übersee in Luxemburg und luxemburgische Produkte in Afrika

1 Januar 2024

Kevin Goergen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Neuroleptics outside psychiatry: Sedating deviant youth in the 1960s and 1970s in Belgium’s juvenile institutions

Neuroleptics outside psychiatry: Sedating deviant youth in the 1960s and 1970s in Belgium’s juvenile institutions

1 Januar 2024

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Six Memos for the New Millennium : A Dialogue with Andreas Fickers on Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities

Six Memos for the New Millennium : A Dialogue with Andreas Fickers on Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities

Taking Italo Calvino’s Six Memos for the Next Millennium as a starting point for a conversation about the epistemic virtues in the Digital Humanities, Andreas Fickers and Annie van den Oever discuss a rejection of the normative tradition of honing an ideal-typical definition of what makes “good science” in favor of an exploration in the phenomenological descriptive tradition of epistemic norms (values) as internalized by scientists. They reflect on the six epistemic virtues that could be instrumental in prompting

1 Januar 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
