Conflicting Loyalties Among Soldiers Fighting Both in the German Army and the Allied Forces

Conflicting Loyalties Among Soldiers Fighting Both in the German Army and the Allied Forces

This article offers a collective narrative portrait of the soldiers who fought on both sides of the Western Front.

1 January 2025

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
What the history of women and computing teaches us

What the history of women and computing teaches us

This paper aims to explore how an entry through the perspective of women and gender has revitalized and still revitalizes the history of computing, STEM, and digital technologies and to what extent this approach also aligns with current IT challenges as well as educational issues. It revisits key themes such as invisibility, intersectionality, embodiment, and inclusiveness, by drawing on significant works from recent decades.

1 January 2025

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Foreign Language Knowledge and Migration Behaviour among Ukrainians in Greater Region from 2016 until 2024

Foreign Language Knowledge and Migration Behaviour among Ukrainians in Greater Region from 2016 until 2024

In the presentation were compared two metadata sets collected within two research projects in the different years and for different purposes of the University of Saar, Germany (MultiLing) and C2DH, Luxembourg (U-CORE). Both sets contain data to the project participants with Ukrainian language knowledge. The aim of the presented analysis was to compare the available and comparable data and see, how the foreign language knowledge of the project participants impacted their migration behaviour before the Russian full-scale invasion in Ukraine in 2022 and after that.

20 December 2024

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Border Temporalities of an Old Letter: A Hermeneutic Interpretation of Cross-Border Veteran Welfare

Border Temporalities of an Old Letter: A Hermeneutic Interpretation of Cross-Border Veteran Welfare

The article uses the concept of border temporalities to offer a hermeneutic interpretation of an old letter containing a request from a cross-border female migrant from Luxembourg to access French welfare benefits. In doing so, it systematically unravels the way in which time was lived and experienced differently by borderland residents as opposed to French lawmakers.

19 December 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Introduction: Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe

Introduction: Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe

How are borders and time related? Are borders shifting state lines enshrined in history, the landscape, and cultural heritage? Are borders places where new understandings of time and space can be formed? Are temporalities of borders the material appearance, transformation, and disappearance of borders or the social practices which leave us with traces of times, tidelines, phantom, or ghost borders? Have we paid enough attention to the experiences of people from different ages passing borders?

19 December 2024

Johanna Jaschik, Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Facing the History Machine: Toward Histories of Digital History

Facing the History Machine: Toward Histories of Digital History

This article explores the history and genealogies of digital history, set within the broader context of how new technologies have shaped historical research practices and knowledge production since at least the late nineteenth century. For over a century, historians have reflected on the impact of mechanical aids and computing on their discipline. Along the way, they have debated key epistemological and methodological questions that have resurfaced in our current era of digital history, yet this is often forgotten.

16 December 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
From local notables to global players: Law firms in a tax haven (Luxembourg, 1960s to 2020s)

From local notables to global players: Law firms in a tax haven (Luxembourg, 1960s to 2020s)

13 December 2024

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Institute of Psychiatry, the Jewish Social Service, and the Case of Gabriel H.: Addressing Compensation Claims for Nazi-Persecuted Jews

The Institute of Psychiatry, the Jewish Social Service, and the Case of Gabriel H.: Addressing Compensation Claims for Nazi-Persecuted Jews

11 December 2024

Samuel Dal Zilio
  • Contemporary history of Europe
National Socialist Ethnicity and Citizenship Policy under Growing Military Pressure in Occupied Luxembourg (1940–1944)

National Socialist Ethnicity and Citizenship Policy under Growing Military Pressure in Occupied Luxembourg (1940–1944)

This paper attempts to analyse some aspects of the Nazi ethnicity and citizenship policy using the case study of Luxembourg occupied by Nazi Germany, as well as the underlying practices of exclusion and inclusion. These are studied in connection with the heterogeneity of the population of a country like Luxembourg that has both emigration and immigration, along with the changes of the course of war from 1942 onwards. This is the first scientific paper where the focus is placed specifically on ethnicity and citizenship policy for Luxembourg during the Second World War.

10 December 2024

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Impact of War Experiences in Europe

The Impact of War Experiences in Europe

During World War II, over half a million men and women under Nazi occupation, who lacked German citizenship, were forcibly conscripted into the German Reichsarbeitsdienst and the Wehrmacht. The Nazis sought to legitimize this conscription by labeling these individuals as “deutsche Volkszugehörige” or “Deutschstämmige,” despite it being a clear violation of international law.

10 December 2024

Denis Scuto, Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Borders, Time and Reflexivity (Information/Methods)

Borders, Time and Reflexivity (Information/Methods)

10 December 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Collective Memory?

Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Collective Memory?

This Memory Studies Review special issue explores the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (ai) and collective memory. In the one hand, the emergence of generative ai, exemplified by ChatGPT’s 2022 release, appears to herald a new infrastructure for collective memory. On the other, the memory studies work highlights the limits and the backlashes of this new form of memory in its social dimension. This leads to raise a provocative, open-ended question: Is artificial intelligence the future of collective memory?

10 December 2024

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Lecture proche et distante des archives du Web

Lecture proche et distante des archives du Web

En revenant sur des études de cas appuyées sur de vastes corpus d’archives du web et des réseaux socio-numériques, dédiés d’une part à la viralité en ligne et d’autre part à la crise de la COVID-19, il s’agira d’interroger la manière dont les archives du web, croisées à d’autres sources, peuvent permettre de reconstruire des cultures numériques et leur évolution ou/et d’informer des phénomènes contemporains. Nous présenterons les atouts et limites de la lecture proche et distante de tels corpus composites et parfois transnationaux.

6 December 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Article Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War

The online exhibition explores Luxembourg's experiences during World War II using recent historiography and digital resources.

5 December 2024

Christoph Brüll, Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Virtual exhibition
Prisoner-of-War camp Tambov, Rada (Tambov), Russia

Prisoner-of-War camp Tambov, Rada (Tambov), Russia

Luxemburg wird am 10. Mai 1940 vom nationalsozialistischen Deutschland überfallen. In den folgenden zwei Jahren wird das Großherzogtum praktisch in NS-Deutschland integriert. Verwaltungstechnisch ist es nun Teil des Gaus Moselland. Die jungen luxemburgischen Bürger werden gezwungen, sich dem Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) anzuschließen.

5 December 2024

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Forced Labourers from the East

Forced Labourers from the East

During the Second World War, several thousand people from the Soviet Union and occupied Poland were brought to Luxembourg during its occupation by Nazi Germany. Once there, they were expected to satisfy the demand for labour in industries that were important to the war effort, as many of Luxembourg’s workers had been drafted into the German army and the need for steel production was higher than usual as a result of the war.

5 December 2024

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Recherches de provenances sur les collections nationales luxembourgeoises. Rapport préliminaire sur la présence éventuelle  dans les collections de la BnL, du MNAHA et des " Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg d'objets confisqués aux Juifs pendant…

Recherches de provenances sur les collections nationales luxembourgeoises. Rapport préliminaire sur la présence éventuelle dans les collections de la BnL, du MNAHA et des " Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg d'objets confisqués aux Juifs pendant…

5 December 2024

Anna Jagos, Yasmina Zian
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Article - Luxemb(o)urg during World War II. Online-Exhibition - Luxemb(o)urg during World War II. Online-Exhibition Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War is an online exhibition developed by the C²DH of the University of Luxembourg based on a 2021 convention with the Ministry of State. The aim of the exhibition is to present the history of Luxembourg during the Second World War, taking account of recent historical research. To this end, it relies on the advantages of the digital format. The exhibition makes it possible to approach the experiences of Luxembourgers from different perspectives by drawing on rich and often unknown documentation.

5 December 2024

Christoph Brüll, Fabio Spirinelli, Daniele Guido, Muriel van Ruymbeke, Benoit Vaillot
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Borderland Veteran Welfare after the First World War. A Comparison of Eupen-Sankt Vith-Malmedy and Alsace-Lorraine

Borderland Veteran Welfare after the First World War. A Comparison of Eupen-Sankt Vith-Malmedy and Alsace-Lorraine

5 December 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les Archives Historiques de l’Union européenne (HAEU) – défis interdisciplinaires, pratiques innovantes, nouvelles sources

Les Archives Historiques de l’Union européenne (HAEU) – défis interdisciplinaires, pratiques innovantes, nouvelles sources

The presentation will offer a broad overview of the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) founded in 1983 and will explore its wide range of multilingual, multimedia sources and archives for both researchers and the general public, while also analysing the current interdisciplinary challenges, historiographical issues and innovative practices which it is facing in the digital age.

4 December 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
