De resonantie van een stille lente: Nederlandse en Vlaamse persstemmen over Rachel Carsons 'Silent Spring' (1962-1963)

De resonantie van een stille lente: Nederlandse en Vlaamse persstemmen over Rachel Carsons 'Silent Spring' (1962-1963)

1 January 2014

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956)

Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956)

This contribution looks into nationalization and education in European borderlands inthe early post-World War II period. Belonging to Belgium and Poland, respectively, inthe interwar years, the Eupen – St. Vith – Malmedy and the East-Upper Silesia regionscame under German rule during World War II. Returned to the Belgian and Polishnation-states once the war was over, the regions experienced a pronounced upheavalin the population profile as a result of population transfers and reorientations ineducation curricula.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Herinneren in een (eens) verdeeld Europa. Consistentie en veranderlijkheid in getuigenissen van oud-strijders

Herinneren in een (eens) verdeeld Europa. Consistentie en veranderlijkheid in getuigenissen van oud-strijders

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Book review. Menno Spierling and Michael Wintle (eds), European Identity and the Second World War

Book review. Menno Spierling and Michael Wintle (eds), European Identity and the Second World War

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Child Forced Labour. An Analysis of Ego Documents Throughout Time.

Child Forced Labour. An Analysis of Ego Documents Throughout Time.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
War Children in the War and the Post-war

War Children in the War and the Post-war

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Editoriaal. Grenzeloos.

Editoriaal. Grenzeloos.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
De soldaten van de Eerste Poolse Pantserdivisie. Hun geschiedenis.

De soldaten van de Eerste Poolse Pantserdivisie. Hun geschiedenis.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Building the social graph of the history of European integration: A pipeline for humanist-machine interaction in the digital humanities

Building the social graph of the history of European integration: A pipeline for humanist-machine interaction in the digital humanities

The breadth and scale of multimedia archives provides a tremendous potential for historical research that hasn't been fully tapped up to know. In this paper we want to discuss the approach taken by the History of Europe application, a demonstrator for the integration of human and machine computation that combines the power of face recognition technology with two distinctively different crowd-sourcing approaches to compute co-occurrences of persons in historical image sets.

1 January 2014

Lars Wieneke
  • Digital history & historiography
Lunettes hyperconnectées et altérité

Lunettes hyperconnectées et altérité

The arrival on the market of “hyperconnected” glasses is raising many questions on the increasing mediation of social relationships through digital tools. “Google Glasses” are designed to be permanently connected to the Internet, and can be worn all day long to add digital information to our “natural” field of vision and to record our various actions.

1 January 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Jaron Lanier: You Are Not a Gadget: a manifesto

Jaron Lanier: You Are Not a Gadget: a manifesto

1 January 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Lectures croisées de deux livres de Jaron Lanier : Who Owns the Future ?, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2013 et You Are Not a Gadget, New York, Knopf, 2010

Lectures croisées de deux livres de Jaron Lanier : Who Owns the Future ?, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2013 et You Are Not a Gadget, New York, Knopf, 2010

1 January 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Cloud Atlas et le futur du futur. Sur un possible destin de la société industrielle

Cloud Atlas et le futur du futur. Sur un possible destin de la société industrielle

Maxime Derian nous invite à mener une réflexion à propos d’un film qui, à son sens, a tout d’un futur classique. De même que Blade Runner qui fut un succès à retardement, pour Cloud Atlas, il pourrait en aller de même. Cette réalisation cinématographique pose une question inédite : celle du futur du futur.

1 January 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Der Heldengedenktag in der Wehrmacht

Der Heldengedenktag in der Wehrmacht

This study attempts to clarify how Heroes' Memorial Day was adapted against the background of the National Socialist concept, what means the Wehrmacht used, how the celebrations were held, what symbols and what rituals were used. Particular attention is paid to the celebrations among the troops in peace and in war.

28 December 2013

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Veins filled with the dilluted sap of rationality. A critical reply to Rens Bod

Veins filled with the dilluted sap of rationality. A critical reply to Rens Bod

This article argues – in contradiction to the thesis developed by Rens Bod – that

1 December 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Economists vs Monetarists – the main controversy in shaping EMU through the Werner Report

Economists vs Monetarists – the main controversy in shaping EMU through the Werner Report

1 December 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Where West Meets East: International Tourism and Consumerism in Socialist Romania of the 1960-1980s

Where West Meets East: International Tourism and Consumerism in Socialist Romania of the 1960-1980s

22 November 2013

Adelina Stefan
A New European Currency for a new Europe: the Christian Democratic Ideology and the Werner Committee

A New European Currency for a new Europe: the Christian Democratic Ideology and the Werner Committee

1 November 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Humanities in a Digital Age: Using Digital Tools for Research and Teaching

Humanities in a Digital Age: Using Digital Tools for Research and Teaching

25 October 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Panel comment - The Construction and Circulation of Medical Knowledge in France and its Colonies, 1500-1900

Panel comment - The Construction and Circulation of Medical Knowledge in France and its Colonies, 1500-1900

25 October 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
