Écrire la guerre au Luxembourg: le premier conflit mondial dans l'historiographie luxembourgeoise

Écrire la guerre au Luxembourg: le premier conflit mondial dans l'historiographie luxembourgeoise

1 January 2017

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Zu Tisch beim Renert. Die monogrammierte Tischdecke der Famillie Rodange-Leysen

Zu Tisch beim Renert. Die monogrammierte Tischdecke der Famillie Rodange-Leysen

1 January 2017

Sam Mersch
Rezension:  Christian Voß / Wolfgang Dahmen (Ed.): Babel Balkan? Politische und soziokulturelle Kontexte von Sprache in Südosteuropa (= Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch Band 40), München: Ottos Sagner (2014)

Rezension: Christian Voß / Wolfgang Dahmen (Ed.): Babel Balkan? Politische und soziokulturelle Kontexte von Sprache in Südosteuropa (= Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch Band 40), München: Ottos Sagner (2014)

1 January 2017

Sam Mersch
Facing the Greek Junta (1967-1974): The Council of Europe, the European Community, and the Rise of Human Rights Politics

Facing the Greek Junta (1967-1974): The Council of Europe, the European Community, and the Rise of Human Rights Politics

In April 1967, a group of colonels seized power in Greece. Since Greece was a member-state of the Council of Europe and held an association agreement with the European Community, both organizations had to define their positions vis-à-vis the new military regime. Very soon, politicians in the parliamentary assemblies of both organizations started to cooperate with the aim of imposing sanctions on Greece. This article examines the inter-organizational dynamics between the European Community and the Council of Europe on Greece during the colonels’ regime.

1 January 2017

Victor Fernandez Soriano
Zurück ins Zeitalter der Sklaverei? Unfreie Arbeit unter der brasilianischen Regierung Temer.

Zurück ins Zeitalter der Sklaverei? Unfreie Arbeit unter der brasilianischen Regierung Temer.

1 January 2017

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Racism and Racialisation as Structural Elements in Unfree Labour Formation in Brazilian Agriculture

Racism and Racialisation as Structural Elements in Unfree Labour Formation in Brazilian Agriculture

1 January 2017

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Michael Zeuske: Sklavenhändler, Negreros und Atlantikkreolen. Eine Weltgeschichte des Sklavenhandels im atlantischen Raum.

Michael Zeuske: Sklavenhändler, Negreros und Atlantikkreolen. Eine Weltgeschichte des Sklavenhandels im atlantischen Raum.

1 January 2017

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Bernhard Leubolt (2015) Transformation von Ungleichheitsregimes: Gleichheitsorientierte Politik in Brasilien und Sudafrika.

Bernhard Leubolt (2015) Transformation von Ungleichheitsregimes: Gleichheitsorientierte Politik in Brasilien und Sudafrika.

1 January 2017

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
'The Congo must have a presence on Belgian soil': The concept of representation in governmental discourses on the architecture of the Ministry of Colonies in Brussels, 1908–1960

'The Congo must have a presence on Belgian soil': The concept of representation in governmental discourses on the architecture of the Ministry of Colonies in Brussels, 1908–1960

1 January 2017

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les immeubles de bureaux / De bureaugebouwen

Les immeubles de bureaux / De bureaugebouwen

1 January 2017

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
A corpus-based investigation of language change in Italian: The case of grazie di and grazie per

A corpus-based investigation of language change in Italian: The case of grazie di and grazie per

1 January 2017

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter

Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter

With the demise of four multinational empires at the end of the First World War (Russian, German, Habsburg and Ottoman), nationalist forces all over Europe claimed the right to a territory for what they considered to be their own people. The peace treaties resulting from the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 caused a major redrawing of the map of Europe. As a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany handed over a considerable amount of its territory at its Western, Northern and, most significantly, Eastern borders, to neighbouring states.

1 January 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Book Review. Kulczycki, John J. Belonging to the Nation. Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands 1939-1951

Book Review. Kulczycki, John J. Belonging to the Nation. Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands 1939-1951

1 January 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presentation: Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter.

Presentation: Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter.

1 January 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Introduction. Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter.

Introduction. Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter.

With the demise of four multinational empires at the end of the First World War (Russian, German, Habsburg and Ottoman), nationalist forces all over Europe claimed the right to a territory for what they considered to be their own people. The peace treaties resulting from the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 caused a major redrawing of the map of Europe. As a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany handed over a considerable amount of its territory at its Western, Northern and, most significantly, Eastern borders, to neighbouring states.

1 January 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Le Choix de Théo

Le Choix de Théo

Entrez dans l'univers de Theo Brode qui, comme tant d'autres en Louisiane, a choisi d'apprendre, de parler et de préserver la langue de ses ancêtres cajuns, créoles et autres francophones. Le Choix de Théo est un documentaire sur la langue française dans le sud-ouest de la Louisiane et la lutte pour la préservation d'un patrimoine en péril aux États-Unis.

1 January 2017

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
La participation des juifs au Luxembourg à la vie politique dans l'entre-deux-guerres.

La participation des juifs au Luxembourg à la vie politique dans l'entre-deux-guerres.

1 January 2017

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Workshop participation: Fibra: Toward a Humanistic Analysis of Research Networks

Workshop participation: Fibra: Toward a Humanistic Analysis of Research Networks

1 January 2017

Marten Düring, Lars Wieneke, Daniele Guido
  • Digital history & historiography
Inaugural issue

Inaugural issue

1 January 2017

Marten Düring


1 January 2017

Marten Düring
