Interview with Dr. Inna Ganschow (C2DH, Uni of Lux)

Interview with Dr. Inna Ganschow (C2DH, Uni of Lux)

Throughout her academic projects, Dr Ganschow is working on the presence of the so-called Russian diaspora in Luxembourg, i.e. the emigrant population from former Soviet Republics. Her current project deals with Soviet forced labourers during the Second World War and is commissioned by the Luxembourg government. In her work, she decided to compare the situation of these forced labourers, mainly young women coming from Ukraine, with the local population, in the Belval region in the south of Luxembourg.

3 January 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Vidéo: Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l’Europe: Sur les traces d’un Européen convaincu

Vidéo: Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l’Europe: Sur les traces d’un Européen convaincu

1 January 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
L’UE en 2023, en quête de sa souveraineté

L’UE en 2023, en quête de sa souveraineté

1 January 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

Durant la seconde moitié du vingtième siècle, il a été souvent écrit que les activités d’orpaillage de l’Ardenne belge remontaient au second âge du Fer. Cette attribution chronologique ne repose en réalité sur aucune observation scientifiquement démontrée. Par contre, une récente étude cartographique a mis en évidence la superposition des limites alto médiévales du domaine de l’abbaye de Stavelot Malmedy avec les tracés des ruisseaux aurifères du massif de Stavelot.

1 January 2023

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Analyse critique: les images à la loupe

Analyse critique: les images à la loupe

1 January 2023

Marco Gabellini, Cécile Duval, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
A history of psychiatry from below: the challenge of the archives

A history of psychiatry from below: the challenge of the archives

Until the 1970s, mentally ill patients were largely absent from the history of psychiatry. The field was dominated by triumphant narratives from doctors and critical perspectives from anti-psychiatrists. However, from the 1980s onwards, new historiographical approaches emerged to construct a history of psychiatry from the patient's viewpoint. A new generation of historians, led by British historian Roy

1 January 2023

Samuel Dal Zilio
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Blick der Luxemburger auf die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens

Blick der Luxemburger auf die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens

1 January 2023

Victoria Mouton
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presenter: Researching the impacts of conscription on Luxembourgish families during WWII - a case-study on the consequences of desertion and draft evasion

Presenter: Researching the impacts of conscription on Luxembourgish families during WWII - a case-study on the consequences of desertion and draft evasion

1 January 2023

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Minett Stories: Telling the history of an industrial region to the public

Minett Stories: Telling the history of an industrial region to the public

1 January 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l'Europe. Sur les traces d'un Européen convaincu

Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l'Europe. Sur les traces d'un Européen convaincu

1 January 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
Robert Schuman - Vu Clausen bis hin zu Europa. Op de Spuere vun engem iwwerzeegten Europäer

Robert Schuman - Vu Clausen bis hin zu Europa. Op de Spuere vun engem iwwerzeegten Europäer

1 January 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
Shifting the historical narrative of the Banda Islands From colonial violence to local resilience

Shifting the historical narrative of the Banda Islands From colonial violence to local resilience

History is a representation of the past based on (written) knowledge which has been passed on from one generation to the next, with a preference given to written sources from a Eurocentric tradition. However, written sources about (former) colonial territories are a product of the colonial system in which they were produced. Acknowledging the biases in these archives, therefore, opens the way for acceptance of other forms of knowledge which were previously deemed "not objective"in Eurocentric historical disciplines.

1 January 2023

Joella van Donkersgoed
  • Public history
Robert Schuman - From Clausen to Europe. In the footsteps of a committed European

Robert Schuman - From Clausen to Europe. In the footsteps of a committed European

1 January 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
Rezension. Jérôme Quiqueret, Tout devait disparaître. Histoire véridique d’un double meurtre commis à Esch-sur-Alzette à la fin de l’été 1919. Mersch: Capybarabooks 2022

Rezension. Jérôme Quiqueret, Tout devait disparaître. Histoire véridique d’un double meurtre commis à Esch-sur-Alzette à la fin de l’été 1919. Mersch: Capybarabooks 2022

1 January 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1

Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1

This repository contains a dataset of known Yiddish newspapers and periodicals published in Germany. The list is based upon cataloguing and holding information from the libraries and book listed on the Github page. The list is provided as an Excel sheet and is a work in progress.

1 January 2023

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Op der Sich no Fraen an der Geschicht

Op der Sich no Fraen an der Geschicht

1 January 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Robert Schuman - Von Clausen nach Europa. Auf den Spuren eines überzeugten Europäers

Robert Schuman - Von Clausen nach Europa. Auf den Spuren eines überzeugten Europäers

1 January 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
HNR Bibliography Edit-a-thon

HNR Bibliography Edit-a-thon

1 January 2023

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
A Journey at the Center of Public History

A Journey at the Center of Public History

1 January 2023

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)

Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)

Andreas Fickers is Professor for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg and the Director of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), 3rd interdisciplinary center at the University of Luxembourg and head of its Digital History Lab. He's also prinicipal investigator of several projects such as Popkult60 (Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren) or LuxTime (Luxembourg Time Machine).

1 January 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
